Littleton Turned 300 in 2014!

The Board of Selectmen voted on January 11, 2010, to establish a General Planning Committee for the Town of Littleton’s Tercentenary Celebration in 2014. The following members were appointed by The Board of Selectmen to the Tercentenary General Planning Committee: Mary Dugan, John K.Holmer, Ann Himmelberger, Kathy Knox, Mildred A. McGovern, Robin Sewell, Michael Crory, and the Town Administrator. Members of the General Planning Committee oversaw subcommitteestablishedhed for the six main events – Opening Ceremony, Ball, Picnic, Parade, Fireworks, Closing, and a Legacy subcommittee.
300th Committee Mission
The mission of the Tercentenary General Planning Committee (also known as the 300th Committee) was to create a memorable and meaningful Tercentenary Celebration in 2014 for our town and use this 300th anniversary as a catalyst to unite Littletonians, beautify our town, and instill a sense of pride in our community.
What was Legacy? This subcommittee of the Littleton 300th spared no effort to fine-tune proposals to celebrate the anniversary of our incorporated town! Specific projects were developed to help beautify Littleton as well as instill a sense of appreciation for our past and future. Look for the “Welcome to Littleton” engraved boulder at Mannion Place on the Littleton/ Acton border. Legacy had some fantastic ideas!
Create a Scarecrow Winners!
After a summer of having scarecrows placed at the Common, at the 300th Picnic and all around town, five winning scarecrows were chosen. Judges from the Rotary Club of Littleton selected Peg McLaughlin’s bumblebee, Mr. & Mrs George Smith’s gardener, Ta-Dah Dance Academy’s trio of dancers, Ed Franzek’s apple picker and Patty O’Malley’s “classic” scarecrow.

Peg McLaughlin’s bumblebee

Patty O’Malley’s “classic” scarecrow

Ed Franzek’s apple picker
Congratulations to the winners, but also thanks to all who participated in the project and its various events. Many thanks to the Rotary for their help and to all the volunteers who organized events, ran a workshop, and drove scarecrows all around town!
Trivia Road Rally Contest Winners!
Drivers: Jacqueline and Cindy Kern
Biker: Richelle Dupont
Walkers: Marie Cardoos and Judy Piermarini

Holiday House Tour
Various homes within Littleton, Sunday, December 14th, from 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
In celebration of Littleton’s 300th year, the Littleton Country Gardeners held our town’s First Holiday House Tour on Sunday, December 14th, from 1-4 p.m.
With the history of 300 years represented in the homes of Littleton, the Holiday House Tour was a tribute to the past, present, and future or our town. We were glad to see so many of our friends and neighbors come out to view these decorated homes of Littleton.
Get Fit for the 300th ! Do 300 for the 300th !
Many of our citizens participated in Get Fit for the 300th as part of their fitness routine for 2014. Littleton turned 300 – We hope Get Fit helped many of us stay young!

Book Signing: November 2nd, 2014
The book signing was held on November 2nd, from 2-5 p.m. at the Historical Society, 4 Rogers Street. Contributors were there to meet and greet, and, of course, to sign copies of Littleton, Massachusetts 1714-2014: Celebrating 300 years of History. Sponsor: Historical Society.
See for more information.
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